Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Musings on Muses

Looking over some non-college work I have created recently, I have come to identify a theme of recurrent interest to me - a particular breed of subject, more specifically. Noting my enjoyment in capturing and exploring the character of prominent figures such as Vivienne Westwood, Katharine Hepburn and Kate Bush, I have identified that the people who inspire me artistically tend to be opinionated, eccentric, unconventional women. The reasons for this, no doubt, lie in some horribly tangled psychological disfigurement, and so do not invite further pondering. I do think though that on a very immediate level I am drawn to and respect massively human beings who manage to battle the crushing monotony of conformity and establishment to carve out their own inimitable, unforgettable niche of creative brilliance, and to maintain, crucially, a sense of dignity whilst doing so.

These are perhaps the traits which I picked up on and became excited about in my earlier somewhat gushing post about David Bowie - though he is not quite female. I need to think more about this trend of inspiration that I have identified, and try and discover the key idea which makes these people interesting to paint, and develop that into a message or idea to explore in my Unit Three project.

Below are images of the aforementioned 'muses' and some of my work from them:

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